Life Changing Habits : Have Right Company

Painting of GOD in MAN & DEVIL in MAN

Many Years ago, there was a great painter, He was so ambitious to make UNIQUE PAINTINGS in the world. People used to buy his paintings in millions of rupees. One day he thought to paint such picture which can reflect the glimpse of God, He decided to make a picture of “GOD IN MAN”. He started to find out such person who can be a reference for this painting, GOD IN MAN

He travelled through many villages, cities, He saw so many people, youngsters, but he couldn’t see that divinity, innocence, merciful glow like God on his face. One day he saw a Young boy around 16 years old, who was such beautiful & charming like God, his nature, his face was reflecting that divinity & merci on his face. This painter met to him & requested him to help him make this painting. That Young boy was so innocent & lovely, he said YES Sure why not what I have to do ? Painter said, Nothing please come with me & just sit for an hour in front of me so that I can paint the picture, God In man

Finally that boy sat before the painter & painter drew a great sketch of that Boy & prepared a his dream painting, GOD IN MAN. That picture was sold in millions of rupee.This painting made people to see the GLIMPSE of GOD in this picture, everybody were amazed by seeing this picture.After 10 years again he thought that I have sketched the painting of GOD IN MAN but now I want to present the painting of DEVIL IN MAN

So once again he started to search for the right REFERENCE PERSON for this painting, DEVIL IN MAN.He saw many people who are cruel & violent but also saw the humanity somewhere on their face so he was not finding the perfect match for the DEVIL LOOK Person. One day he saw a person worse than the devil, such cruel, merciless, violent, addicted & will all sort of immorality. he met that person & said, can you help me to prepare a painting ? Anyway he agreed

That devil-like person set before a painter & painter began to sketch the picture of DEVIL IN MAN. While he was painting a picture on canvas, he saw different expressions on the face of that devil-like person. He saw the feeling of REGRET on his face & soon that Devil-like person began to cry. Painter shocked, he came near and he asked I am sorry, what happened ? Did I make any mistake ? I am sorry ! Anyway he consoled & made him fine

Then that devil-like person said, I am the same person, same person whom you selected for GOD IN MAN & today you selected me for DEVIL IN MAN. Oh my God ! painter surprised like anything. But how did it happen ? Then he said, due to bad friends, I slipped in addiction of smoking, drugs & alcohol & then adultery & then everything that’s BAD. I lost study & then career so became a thief & then murderer. Today I am here at this miserable life because of BAD FRIENDSHIP

Dear Friends, Can you tell me Why a DIVINE PERSON turned into a DEVIL Person ?What was the reason ? Isn’t this incident relative to our lives ? Many Times we see children, they are good & positive in their childhood, but when they grow up they turn bad in Youth, they turn negative, get addicted to alcohol, drugs, smoking etc.

Did you ever think why it happens so ?The ROOT CAUSE is their BAD FRIENDSHIP, BAD COMPANY

Dear Friend, Let me remind you that in this world there are many kinds of people, but do you know what makes them so ? There are 2 life-changing factors which influences our life positively & negatively.They are FOOD & FRIENDSHIP. FOR RIGHT FOOD we discussed in our last blog.Today we will discuss on RIGHT FRIENDSHIP, RIGHT COMPANY in our life

Arjun & Karan

Dear Friends, In Mahabharat there were 2 GREAT WARRIORS. Arjun & Karn, Both were the START WARRIORS, STAR ARCHERS. But one became Winner & another became Loser. One utilized his skills to protect dharm & another utilized his skill to protect Adharm. One fought for Lord Krishna, another fought against Lord Krishna. Can you tell me what made them so ?

They were having the similar skills.What directed their SKILLS ?

Their Friendship

  1. Their CHOICE of FRIENDSHIP completely changed their Destiny
  2. When Karn was insulted by the society as he is SUTPUTRA he can’t fight with Arjun, at that time Duryodhan PRAISED karn, respected Karn & made him a KING of Aang Kingdom
  3. So, Karn got overwhelmed by the respect of Duryodhan & he dedicated himself to Duryodhan forever, he CHOSE DURYODHAN as his FRIEND
  4. While Arjun dedicated himself to Lord Krishna, Arjun CHOSE LORD KRISHNA as his FRIEND


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